The School Day
Arrival, Registration and Punctuality
All children should be in the playground, ready to come into school, by 8.40 am each day when the classroom doors are opened, although children are not permitted to enter the playground without an adult.
Morning registration begins at 8.50 am. If a child arrives after the registration period, he/she will be marked in as late. After 9.25 am this may be marked as an Unauthorised Absence.
The afternoon register is taken by 1pm each day. Children are expected to be in school until the official close time of 3:20pm.
It is important that children arriving and leaving school with a parent/carer outside the registration period must be signed in and out via the office. This is essential as it updates our records for fire evacuation.
Children must not report late to the school without an accompanying adult. A school day counts as 2 sessions and therefore 2 registrations