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Cassiobury Junior School

Cassiobury Junior School

‘Learning to Learn, Growing Together, Ready for the Future’

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Welcome to the Inclusion Area

“All teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs. Teaching such children is therefore a whole school responsibility, requiring a whole school response.”

(SEND Code of practice 2001)


It is our duty to respond to pupils’ needs and overcome potential barriers for individuals and groups of pupils.

(National Curriculum in England: Framework for Key Stages 1 to 4)

Mrs Natasha Newman (maternity leave from April 2024)

Mr Graham Hodgkinson (maternity cover from April 2024)


Tel: 01923 232411

Hertfordshire’s Quality Offers

The Hertfordshire Autism Quality Offer aligns with the SEND Quality Offer – Hertfordshire’s statement on high quality provision and outcomes for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The Autism Quality Offer describes the special educational provision that settings are encouraged to have available for children and young people who have autism or social communications needs and includes links to resources and training available to settings across Hertfordshire.

Find out more about key elements that make up inclusive support at Cassiobury Junior School (this information can also be found in the SEN Information Report located on the Statutory Page and in the documents below).

At Cassiobury Junior School, we work on Waves of support:

  • Wave 1 (Universal) is for all pupils;
  • Wave 2 (Targeted) is for some pupils; 
  • Wave 3 (Specialist) is for few pupils.

Person Centred Thinking Tools

At Cassiobury Junior School, we use person centred tools to create a One Page Profile for all children requiring SEN/D Support. The One Page Profile outlines a child’s strengths, areas for support and how to best support them. This information is shared between staff and parents to ensure we are able to personalise learning and support where required.


SEND Support Plans

Along with this, we use Helen Sanderson’s 4 Plus 1 questions we call this the SEND Support Plan). We chose the tool as our review document as it captures four key areas for discussion and an action plan. As part of this document, we set targets which are reviewed by teachers with parents each term.

  • What have you tried?
  • What have you learned?
  • What are you pleased about?
  • What are you concerned about?
  • The discussion then directs us to the ‘plus 1′ question – what should we do next?

See what our parents have to say about our SEND Support Plan Meetings 


Additional Support for learning

Class teachers aim to identify needs as early on as possible through assessments, observations and discussions with the SENDCo and parents and carers. Class teachers will then arrange additional support via the Teaching Assistants using a range of methods including intervention programmes, differentiated tasks, preteaching. We aim to see children applying their new learning to independent classroom activities. If a cycle of support does not show the impact expected, the Class teacher and SENDCo will speak to parents and carers about referrals to Integrated Services for Learning at Hertfordshire County Council – Please note, we are expecting some changes to the way the team works in September 2023.


The additional support is managed via the schools Provision Mapping document overseen by the SENDCo. The document tracks baseline data and impact of the intervention so all staff are aware of what is working well and what might need an adjustment or further inquiry. All of the work we do is with the parents and carers as we feel a collaborative approach will give us the best outcomes for the children.




At Cassiobury Junior School, we have a dedicated Wellbeing Lead, who works with children on a referral basis (please see the SEN Information Report for more information).


Other services available in Hertfordshire

(You will be able to click on the images below to take you to the webpage; please note, this page is currently being updated and not all links are available at this time)


Click on the Specific Learning Difficulties Team image below to find out more information about supporting your child. There is information about how to support at home and at school and a link that takes you to a bank of resources that can be used to support learning: “Go to SPLD resources”.

Specific learning difficulties team

What is Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL)?

DSPL is a Hertfordshire-wide partnership approach where parents, staff in early years settings and schools, further education colleges, local authority officers and representatives from other agencies, work together as part of an Area Group, reviewing and developing the range of provision and support services available to their local community that :

  • Meets the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), aged 0-25, as close to home as possible.
  • Improves outcomes for wellbeing and attainment
  • Widens choice for children and parents/carers
  • Removes barriers to learning
  • Uses resources more effectively